Monday, February 15, 2010

Daily Update 2/15/10

While Carole is being held hostage at Providence Hospital until Baby Enger is born, I thought it would be a good idea to let everyone know how things are going without having to make tons of phone calls and emails. Thanks so much to Maura Ryan Kaiser for setting up this blog for me and please excuse my newbie attempts at the cyber world

Today things are looking great- Carole's blood pressure is down, as well as other indicators of precclampsia. The big concern was the amniotic fluid volume, which has gone UP - which is a good thing.

SO- As of now, we are in wait and see mode. The doctors will be making a day to day decision about when to deliver the baby. We are hoping to hold off as long as possible.

According to this morning's ultrasound- Baby Enger is about 4 1/2 pounds.

As of now, Carole cannot have phone calls or visitors. She can get cards and if you'd like to post comments on this blog, she will be allowed to access them once a day.


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