Sunday, March 21, 2010


Welcome to our beautiful grandson, Jacob George Enger. He was born at 5:42PM and is 6 pounds and 18 inches long. He looks exactly like Jeff- red hair and all. Carole had a rough time of it- after 20 hours of induced labor the doctors finally decided to deliver Jake by c-section. Carole and Jake are both fine and Jeff is recovering.

Thanks to all the well-wishers. Although everyone is very anxious to see this baby, we're asking that you give Carole and Jeff a few days to get settled. Carole will be in the hospital until at least Tuesday. Please do not come to the hospital unless you check with Jeff. Both Carole and Jeff know that you wish them well, but they need time to recover.

Friday, March 19, 2010

More News 3/19/10

It's been a week! Carole was discharged from Providence Tuesday afternoon and about 20 minutes later she took a fall in a parking lot and wound up back there again. Everything with Baby Enger turned out to be fine, but Carole cracked cartilage in her elbow and has a fiberglass splint on her right arm. Then today, she went to her regular doctor appointment and high blood pressure issues forced her back into Providence again. She is getting very frustrated with this whole process and is anxious for Baby to be born. We're hoping the doctors make a decision to induce soon before Carole and Jeff go crazy.
Special thanks this week to Erica Dziedzic, who sent a nice card and especially to Diana and Chrissy Enger, who spent all day yesterday unpacking boxes and setting up the new kitchen at Carole and Jeff's house. Everything over there is looking great and hopefully there will be a new house all ready when Baby Enger makes his appearance.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Weekly Update 3/16/10

Well, Carole has landed back in the hospital today. She has been having high blood pressure issues and has not felt very well for the last few days. She had a regular doctor appointment today and her doctor sent her to Providence. They are running (more) tests and we should know by tomorrow what the plans are. Meanwhile, Baby Enger is looking great and we're getting more and more anxious to meet him. Carole still cannot be on the phone or internet, but I will be happy to forward your good wishes to her. Special thanks to Amy Finn for the encouraging card. This has been a bit of a rough road, but we're confident it will all be worth it.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Update 3/11/10

Looks like we're going to get another week at least before Baby Enger makes his debut. Although Carole's blood pressure remains erratic and her protein levels are up, the doctors have decided to let her stay home for another week. Baby is now at almost 35 weeks and 5 pounds. Jeff's birthday is tomorrow, and while that would be a great gift, if baby can wait another week or two, it will be great.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Weekly Update 2/27/10

Good week this week. Carole saw the doctor on Tuesday and went for an ultrasound on Thursday. So far, the baby looks good and the amniotic fluid is up. Carole still is on bed rest and it seems to be working because she hasn't had any high blood pressure spikes like she was having before. Baby Enger is at 33 weeks today and it looks like he might stay put for another few weeks. The Olympics are almost over, so it's back to bad daytime TV. I'm hoping Carole doesn't get too used to people waiting on her!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Daily Update 2/20/10

Now that Carole is out of the hospital, I am going to reduce the daily updates to once a week unless something interesting happens. Carole still is supposed to be very quiet and can't receive calls or visits. She returns to the doctor on Monday and we'll see what the status is then. Thanks for all your care and concern.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Daily Update 2/19/10

Well, the doctors are scratching their heads. A week ago they were talking about Baby Enger arriving way too early and today they have sent Carole home thinking that she should be able to hold out a month or more longer. All the bad numbers are down, and the good numbers are up, so Carole has been packed off to Howell for R&R. She still cannot have visitors or calls, and apparently we're supposed to wrap her in a bubble and insulate her from any stress for the next 8 weeks or until the little troublemaker starts causing trouble again. She will be closely monitored to make sure things don't get out of hand again. At least it's a change of venue and a more comfortable bed than the hospital. And she gets to see Ronan - a big plus!