Saturday, February 27, 2010

Weekly Update 2/27/10

Good week this week. Carole saw the doctor on Tuesday and went for an ultrasound on Thursday. So far, the baby looks good and the amniotic fluid is up. Carole still is on bed rest and it seems to be working because she hasn't had any high blood pressure spikes like she was having before. Baby Enger is at 33 weeks today and it looks like he might stay put for another few weeks. The Olympics are almost over, so it's back to bad daytime TV. I'm hoping Carole doesn't get too used to people waiting on her!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Daily Update 2/20/10

Now that Carole is out of the hospital, I am going to reduce the daily updates to once a week unless something interesting happens. Carole still is supposed to be very quiet and can't receive calls or visits. She returns to the doctor on Monday and we'll see what the status is then. Thanks for all your care and concern.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Daily Update 2/19/10

Well, the doctors are scratching their heads. A week ago they were talking about Baby Enger arriving way too early and today they have sent Carole home thinking that she should be able to hold out a month or more longer. All the bad numbers are down, and the good numbers are up, so Carole has been packed off to Howell for R&R. She still cannot have visitors or calls, and apparently we're supposed to wrap her in a bubble and insulate her from any stress for the next 8 weeks or until the little troublemaker starts causing trouble again. She will be closely monitored to make sure things don't get out of hand again. At least it's a change of venue and a more comfortable bed than the hospital. And she gets to see Ronan - a big plus!

Special Thanks

Thanks to Rachel for coming to the hospital to do a bedside pedicure. Also big thanks to Miss Lady for the adorable little clothes and toy and for the special present for Carole. It's great that so many people have shown love and concern.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Daily Update 2/18/10

Well, it looked like for a while that the doctors were going to let Carole go home today, but they decided to do one more amniotic fluid volume test tomorrow to be sure that everything is good. It is amazing how she went from the brink of being preeclamptic to back to normal with a week of hospital rest. If she is allowed home, she will still be on bed rest with limited phone access or visitors. The doctors think she has reactive high blood pressure, which means too much excitement or activity makes it skyrocket. The good news is that it looks like Baby Enger is content to stay put for a while and has stopped causing Mommy so much trouble.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Daily Update 2/17/10

Great day today. That worrisome amniotic fluid level is up to 11!!! Yeah! So baby is staying put for a little bit longer. Apparently all your thoughts and prayers are working. Thanks to Nana and Papa for the beautiful flowers.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Daily Update 2/16/10

Not having the baby today- hooray! Carole got a great night's sleep despite the continuous monitoring. Good thing the Olympics are on because it gets pretty boring laying in bed all day.
Today the baby is 31 weeks old - the goal is 35 weeks.

Special Thanks

Thank you to those who have sent flowers and messages and offered help and prayers. It's great to know that so many people are concerned. Carole and baby are doing fine and Jeff has been Superman- working afternoons and spending mornings and nights at the hospital. This whole thing isn't going exactly as planned, but we are confident that it will all work out!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Daily Update 2/15/10

While Carole is being held hostage at Providence Hospital until Baby Enger is born, I thought it would be a good idea to let everyone know how things are going without having to make tons of phone calls and emails. Thanks so much to Maura Ryan Kaiser for setting up this blog for me and please excuse my newbie attempts at the cyber world

Today things are looking great- Carole's blood pressure is down, as well as other indicators of precclampsia. The big concern was the amniotic fluid volume, which has gone UP - which is a good thing.

SO- As of now, we are in wait and see mode. The doctors will be making a day to day decision about when to deliver the baby. We are hoping to hold off as long as possible.

According to this morning's ultrasound- Baby Enger is about 4 1/2 pounds.

As of now, Carole cannot have phone calls or visitors. She can get cards and if you'd like to post comments on this blog, she will be allowed to access them once a day.


Welcome to Gina's Blog about Carole and baby

This is Gina's new blog about Carole and Baby Enger's status. Check here for updates and announcements!!!